a diorama of an art exhibition

a diorama

of an art



Art works ~ Part 1 - A study of mushrooms and hot dogs...

Here are a few photos 
I took of the Exhibit up at the 
Musee16...This is part one.
Up from May 17th to June 28th -

 { works by Deryke Cardenaz and 
Jim Stewart of the Zymoglyphic Museum
and a wall of interesting artist's bios }
 { A study of fungus under the microscope }
{ Much Mush ~ a zine by James D. Olsen }
{ mushroom photos collected by James D. Olsen }
{a wall of vintage mushroom collection }
 { works by Elizabeth Strozewski, 
Tammy J. McNary
and Noëlle Maline }
 { works by Christina Owen,
Elizabeth Huey, 
Janet Pickle,
Eric Hofferber
and Tommi Cahill }
{ work by Dena Johnson }
{ works by Melanie Sinclair,
Deryke Cardenaz,
Alyssa Emiko Hori
and Gabi Mendoza }
 { works by Jacqueline Wright,
Ray Young Chu
and Dina Farris Appel }
Second part, 
with close ups...will be up here shortly.

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