a diorama of an art exhibition

a diorama

of an art



news of the day - mushrooms and hot dogs - call to artists

Dear artist friends -

Do you like thinking about mushrooms and hot dogs?
   Perhaps this thought simply has you feeling inspired to make
 something fungus or frankfurter related in your 1970's basement?

If so...
The theme in May is going to be the
  Mushroom and Hot Dog exhibit.

We are looking for some talented artists that might
  want to be in the next art show at the Musee?

- { Side note - The mushroom theme is more of a fungus in nature and natural history theme..
  And the hot dog part..think 1970's hot dog party in someone else's backyard.
You pick - mushroom or hot dog.
 It could be a drawing, painting, collage, film, sculpture or some words.}

If you think you might be interested in participating in this project, 
  let me know and I will send you some more information on this exhibit.

your comrade,
down at the musee,

fb message the musee -

1 comment:

  1. Mushrooms! I've missed your mushrooms. I'm sorry you are having a poor mushroom year. We do need rain, don't we.

    cubensis spores
