a diorama of an art exhibition

a diorama

of an art



Diorama of an art exhibition no.2 part 2

~ Opening ~
 Saturday, March 5th - 6pm-10pm
[Exhibition extended till the end of March]

The Artists 
in no particular order :

Gabi Mendoza ~ California
Eric Hofferber ~ Minnesota

Visit our curious new space
at the Santora
in old Santa Ana.


introducing in february...

 Musee16 in Santa Ana..
 took a little trip over there yesterday
and snapped a few photos...

 our friend- Christina painted 
the musee16 sign/painting for us.
it's traveled from northwest portland- 
up through the backwoods-
then down by the sea
 and to southern california.. 
fits so wonderfully on the wall in it's new space

don't want to leak out too much information yet.
 have to wait till later for more.
so for now-
to be continued...


you are shrinking

smaller than a snowflake

click on the center of any 
of the snowflakes 
above or below
to get a glimpse
of just how small 
you might become
if you were to shrink
smaller than a
and be seen under the

[found on mazm]


would you like that wrapped

in the shoppe:
a wooden toy submarine with a bullseye.
take your view with you anywhere.
here is a nice bakelite view-master.
and this stunning little velvet rabbit with a cotton
tail- just sold.

to visit the shoppe to view
more wonderful and rare collectables-
just click on the rabbit's nose.


two divers and one suit

Preparing to explore the wreck of the RMS Lusitania in 1935

One is wearing an atmosphere diving suit 
and the other in a standard diving dress -


here is an early diving suit -
sure to have some strange effects


: an intermission

with The Raymond Scott Quintette

Suicide Cliff


: a short lived insect

 Ephemera -
transitory written or printed matter 
which are meant to be thrown away after one use or
not intended to be retained or preserved.

Ephemera (ἐφήμερα) is a noun, the plural neuter of ephemeron and ephemeros, Latin for ἐπί - epi "on, for" and ἡμέρα - hemera "day" with the ancient sense extending to the mayfly and other short lived insects and flowers and for something which lasts a day or a short period of time.
[above: mayfly]

Museum and national libraries may collect, organize and preserve ephemera as history. 


Yuriy Norshteyn

The Heron and the Crane

A beautiful and sweet
Soviet/Russian animated film
based on an old folk tale


photos from No. 3

we have a few photos from the recent No. 3 show

- click on the atomizer above-


: museum gift shoppe on etsy

Visit the shoppe:
click on cat holes


early days - camping food: batter fried eggplant

pack your packs and
find a good flat spot for your tent.
on tonight's outdoor menu: 

 ~ Batter Fried Eggplant ~

    1 c flour
1 egg
     1 tsp salt
                         1/2 tsp tumeric
                                   1/2 tsp curry powder
                        1/2 tsp ginger
                1/2 cmilk or beer
                                                      1 medium eggplant, cut in 1/4-inch slices
           1/4 c olive oil

Mix flour, egg, spices and milk or beer. Dip eggplant slices in mixture
and fry in oil until brown on both sides. Drain on paper towel
and salt to taste.

[ dish passed down by Ranger Richa Wilson, Region 4, Utah ]

- from back in time diaries 
of past forest service people..
  National Museum of Forest Service History
to enrich and inspire humankind

Barometer Museum, Okehampton

 Barometer World is the world's foremost 
seller and repairer of antique and modern mechanisms
for determining atmospheric air pressure.

A museum attached to a shoppe features examples of such arcane and wonderful
instruments as the Tempest Prognosticator.
Also known as the 'Leech Barometer' or the 
Atmospheric Electromagnetic Telegraph, 
the prognosticator was a 19th-century weather forecasting
device that was first exhibited at the 
Great Exhibition in London in 1851.

 A contemporary account of the invention described it as an 
elaborate and highly ornate apparatus...evolved by a certain Dr. Merryweather
who had observed that during the period before the onset of a severe storm,
fresh water leaches tended to become particularly agitated.
The learned Doctor decided to harness the physical energy of these
aquatic bloodsuckers to operate an early warning system.
On the circular base of his apparatus -he installed glass jars, in which
a leech was inside and attached to a fine chain that led up to a miniature belfry-
from whence that tinkling tocsin would be sounded on the approach of the tempest.

The more the bells that rang, the greater the likelihood of an impending storm.

[A full scale model is to be seen at the Barometer World and Museum
at the Quicksilver Barn, Merton
Okehampton, Devon, EX203ds]

type 293-A

physics laboratory march 7 1945
operating instructions for
type 293-A
universal bridge
general radio company



Navajo Ethnography voice recording

1914 photograph


Pyrheliometers and Measurements booklet from 1931

[published November 1931]

[This science booklet offers descriptions of various Pyrheliometers and auxiliary apparatus employed in measuring the intensity of solar radiation, with instructions for the care and for the reduction and use of the records. It was published by the United States Department of Agriculture: Weather Bureau, Washington, D.C. in 1931]


a collection of 1916 glass slides

 [sea coral egulula flustra scrupa glass slide]

 [sea coral halicystus octoradiata glass slide]

 [sea coral merulina ampliata glass slide]

[sea coral corallium rubrum extend glass slide]


Happy Birthday Mr. Wells - Sept 21, 1866

Sci-fi legend and determined futurist Herbert George Wells is born into the lower middle class in England. The prolific author of The Time MachineThe War of the Worlds and many more immeasurably influential works will eventually produce an essential literary legacy that has since transcended time altogether — while terrorizing minds with debilitating narratives of alien invasions, human-animal hybrids, nuclear apocalypse and worse.

for more information about happy birthday to Wells:



Sunday 9.19 - El dorado park

thank you all for coming to the park last sunday...
and look forward to seeing you at the next location!


the back side of a painting




a mid-day intermission by Jiri Barta

Jiří Barta is a Czech stop-motion animation director. His films, many of which used the medium of wood for animation, garnered critical acclaim and won many awards, but after the fall of the communist government in Czechoslovakia he was unable to release anything for about 15 years (a situation similar to that faced by Russian animator Yuriy Norshteyn). Throughout the 1990s he tried to find funding for a feature film called The Golem, but ultimately only managed to complete a short pilot in 1996. In 2006 he released his first computer-animated short film, and in2009 he released a new puppet-animated feature film which was geared more towards a children's audience.


an interview with James D. Olsen

James Olsen is one of the artists showing work in the No.3 exhibit that is up right now-
So we pulled over a seat with him in the museum and asked him a few questions...
And his responses?

[musee] - 1.  If you had three chickens as pets...what would their names be?

[james] - Maybe Manny, Moe, and Jack... Oh, but I guess those are boys names..
OK, how 'bout Ethel- for Ethel Merman. Suga' and Jackie Brown- but you have to say Jackie like 'jacket', real quick like.

[musee] - 2.  Did you have a favorite twilight zone episode or outer limits episode, when you were a kid...and what about it really stuck with you?

[james] - Well, like most kids in USA... twilight zone was on all day while hanging out with the whole family on any huge holiday, even easter for some reason. So while I can say I have probably seen them all- I think I only really payed attention to one or at least it's the only one I remember. It is the one when the kids swim thru the hole and come out the other side to another place. Now I never really got to learn to swim until I was a teenager, maybe this episode gave me some kind of hebby-jebby about swimming. I was always really creeped out by all the freaky old people and there faces full of fear..

[musee] - 3.   If you were down in a bomb shelter for the next 10 years and someone curiously yelled down a tube one day and asked you if you wanted them to pick  you up some food from any restaurant in the world...and they were still open....where would that food be from? and what dishes would you want?

[james] - Since they can only reach me by tube, I think I should have to go with some awesome Mahé sushi or a
hotdog from Zack's Shack. If the tube was bigger I would go with a Chicken Run Ranch from Native Food


big horned ram

[view in the museum gift shoppe]

transmitting light and sound

More from the hall of televisions...

In its early stages of development, television employed a combination of optical, mechanical and elecronic technologies to capture, transmit and display a visual image. By the late 1920s, however, those employing only optical and electronic technologies were being explored. All modern television systems rely on the latter, although the knowledge gained from the work on electromechanical systems was crucial in the development of fully electronic television.

The first images transmitted electrically were sent by early mechanical fax machines, including the pantelegraph, developed in the late nineteenth century. The concept of electrically powered transmission of television images in motion was first sketched in 1878 as the telephonoscope, shortly after the invention of the telephone. At the time, it was imagined by early science fiction authors, that someday that light could be transmitted over wires, as sounds were.
[information wikipedia]


interview with Lost Goat

We had a very lovely afternoon asking Lost Goat, who is exhibiting three of her pieces in the no.3 show... a few personal questions.
The Musee asked her 3 questions and here are her interestingly interesting responses.

[work by lost goat]

[musee] -1.  If you had three chickens as pets...what would their names be? 

[lost goat] - Pippi, Tommy and Annika

[musee] -2.  If you were throwing a dinner party and could invite anyone through out history...which 8 people would you invite? 

[lost goat]Dinner with George Sanders to listen to the greatest speaking voice that has ever lived and you have to have at least one a-hole of the bunch.  Albert Einstein, not because he was a super genius but because he became a vegetarian late in life and believed we should not worship symbols and that the world should not have borders.  Rene Magritte and Francesca Woodman so I could tell them how great their work is and how much it influenced me.  Astrid Lindgren and Lewis Carroll who also influenced my world.  Walt Disney and મોહનદાસ કરમચંદ ગાંધ so I could shake their hands and say Thank You but two different kinds of Thanks.  And of course ask many questions to all of them.

[musee] -3.   Did you ever own a car that was very special to you?

[lost goat]I have named every car that I have owned and they are all special because I have owned them.  I have very fond memories of each car; so I can’t say that I favor one over another.

hall of typewriters

an Adler typewriter
first year of production: 1909
Frankfurt,  Germany

typewriter is a mechanical or electromechanical device with a set of keys that, when pressed, cause characters to be printed on a medium, usually paper. From their invention before 1870 through much of the 20th century, typewriters were indispensable tools for many professional writers and in business offices. By the end of the 1980s, word processors and personal computers had largely replaced the tasks previously accomplished with typewriters in the western world. Typewriters, however, remain in use in various areas of the world.
[information from wikipedia]


interview with Greg Schenk

The Musee had a seat with Greg Schenk- who is one of the artists showing work in the no.three exhibition...and asked him a few very personal questions...
   [mugshot of greg][musee] - 1. What is a typical day in the life of greg like?
[greg] - I wake up and gather myself for the day, check my email and look for work. 
[musee] - 2. Are you currently obsessed with anything particular?
[greg] - Getting a studio downtown.
[musee] - 3. Did you have a favorite twilight zone episode or outer limits episode when you were a kid?
[greg] - I like the one where everybody has a pig snout and the girl needs an operation to get one so she won't be so ugly. It's a good start to a discussion about conformity and our need for acceptance.

in the museum

[A Gilbert microscope set with Polaroid junior
mysterious views through
the magic lens and a Telegraph...]

some pertinent information about morse code:

The Sender

In order to send a message you needed to be trained and you had to know Morse code. Since most people didn't know Morse code, they went to a telegraph operating station and dictated their message to the operator. In the electromagnet telegraph, when the key was tapped an electric current, which was running through wires that were connected to the receiver, was cut on and provided electricity for the electromagnet on the other side. A combination of holding the key down for a long or short time made the symbols of Morse code.
A telegraph key
A telegraph key

The Receiver

Like the sender, the receiver also had to be trained to receive a message. An electromagnet rang a bell so the receiver could watch the message come in. The magnet also moved a pen up and down onto a moving piece of paper. When the key was tapped, it provided electricity so the magnet could ring the bell and move the pen onto the message paper. Originally translators decoded the message after the message was printed. Around 1850 the message was translated as the dots and dashes came in.


interview with monica roache

Monica is one of the artists showing her work in the no.3 exhibit at the moment.

[above work by monica roache]

The Musee met with here and asked her 3 questions and this was what she had to say...

[musee] - 1. If you could be in a book of worlds record's for having the largest collection of one certain kind of thing...what would that be a collection of?

[monica[ - Day of the Dead skull collection.

[musee] - 2. If you were a song...what song would you be?

[monica] - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star: This song came about from the English poem, "The Star" by Jane Taylor. A small excerpt that has strong meaning and is used to soothe children around the world. I consider myself to be a source of positive energy for those close to me.

[musee] - 3. What did you want to be when you were a kid and does your art have anything to do with that?

[monica] - mortician/astronaut/opera singer/mermaid: Ever since I was a kid I would make chaotic drawings that had an ellaborate story that I would have to verbally tell. I couldn't stick to just one idea. I was interested in exploring a little bit of everything. This carries over to my adulthood. I love exploring ideas and topics ranging from life, death, fantasy and reality. Currently my work focuses on drawings of "organisms". They are fictional molecular forms that can either be sea life or bodily cells. Life and art is what we make it to be. They collide and fuse together..
[monica below]

the gift shoppe

a little window...


interview with christina owen

Christina is one of the artists showing her work in the no.3 exhibit at the moment.

[above works by christina owen]

To stay within the theme of the number three...The musee asked her 3 personal questions...

[musee] - 1. What was the most favorite thing you have ever owned or had? 

[christina] - 'Probably my horse skull. I found it at a yard sale my first week in Oregon after moving here. It was under a patio table covered in moss. I still couldn't believe the moss situation here. I brought it home and scrubbed it clean in the bathtub. Its jaw wasn't attached so I wired it together. Now it just sits on a chair or sometimes next to my bed. It's just very beautiful.'

[musee] - 2. If you were down in a bomb shelter for the next 10 years and someone curiously yelled down a tube one day and asked you if you wanted them to pick you up some food from any restaurant in the world...and that place were still open....where would that food be from? and what dishes would you want?

[christina] - 'How sadistic. I'd probably want a cheeseburger at that point. There was a restaurant by my house called Lovely Hula Hands that made the best cheeseburger with bleu cheese. It's closed now, but we're talking about a hypothetical future in which this person is probably trying to lure me out of my shelter so he can eat me himself, right?'

[musee] - 3. Did you have a favorite twilight zone episode or outer limits episode, when you were a kid...and what about it really stuck with you?

[christina] - ' I can't say it was my favorite, but the old gremlin on the airplane wing certainly made an impression on me. And by impression I mean a deeply programmed neurosis that cripples me to this day involving dark windows and the curtains that cover them.'


by the sea shore and you are invited

musée 16 location this Sunday- 8/29, we will be down by the Sea.
across from the Ecological Reserve at Bolsa Chica beach.

7pm till 9pm     [which is when the park closes]

[park near no.15 station & bathrooms & the 16 lookout.]

the map is here-
Official web site for CA State Parks

 there will be- 
artworks from the no.3 exhibit, 
 a tour of the museum,
hot dogs, 
 a sunset, 
the sound of the waves &
a breeze from the sea